Last order of books at Saucke - Windelband Geschichte der Philosophie and Huizinga's Holland -, farewell from Günter Albrecht. They will meet once more in Berlin, and Beckett will write two letters and a few postcards to Albrecht, that have only recently been discovered in Albrecht's estate.
The last cash withdrawal from a Hamburg bank, then once more to Bellevue.
Today Beckett signs the guestbook of the Fera family..
As a farewell gift to the Hoppes: 25 cigars zu 25 & Frau H. 6 Nelken.
Mrs. Hoppe construes Beckett's character as a mixture of Widder & Venus... Make an unappreciated epigram. Ich weiß ungefähr was ich tue, was ich bin weiß ich gar nicht. |