Hamburg Painters
Drink & Food
Monday, 2nd November 1936
Günter Albrecht.
First long conversation with Günter Albrecht* in the Saucke bookstore.
Afternoon at Claudia Asher's, work on the translation of poem "Cascando".

... buy the Diederich-Verlag Almanach for 1936 & the Kleine Büchere i do. Then order entire works of Schopenhauer in a good Ed. (30 Rm!).

Albrecht: Amiable, intelligent & young. … Not at all a Hitler Jüngling. (6th Nov.)

Evening conversation at Hoppe's Es ahnt mir nichts Gutes ... Begin to spend more than I can afford. Leise! Leise!

* "As the son of businessman Richard Albrecht, I was born on 18th March
1916 in Hamburg, the first of seven siblings. My father stood in battle at
the time..." these are the lines with which the young bookseller commences his résumé, written just two years before his death. A short life between two world wars, full of deprivation, lived by a large family with an ailing father. A life between forced adaptation – "From 1933 on, I was leader of a unit in the Hitler-Youth" – and own ideals. Günter Albrecht
appertained to the "Bündische Jugend" ("Federal Youth"), which was dissolved and merged into the "Hitler Youth" in 1933. He adored Paul Alverdes (whom Beckett met in March 1937 in Münich) just as he did for Thomas Mann, Hermann Hesse, Romain Rolland, Ernst Barlach and Rainer Maria Rilke. In the autumn of 1936 he attends the "Reichsschule des
deutschen Buchhandels" ("Reich School of the German Bookselling Trade")
in Leipzig. Apprenticeship at Saucke's. Fell in 1941 in Russia.
Günter Albrecht
Günther Albrecht
Excursion autumn 1936 "Reichsschule des deutschen Buchhandels",
Leipzig. Albrecht centre, Kaun left
Axel Kaun
Axel Kaun, Albrecht's friend in Berlin
Albrechts Todesanzeige
Albrecht's obituary
Günter Albrecht