Hamburg Painters
Drink & Food
Tuesday, 17th November 1936
No Tapestry.
2nd visit to Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe (Museum of Arts and Trades), in
company of Margaritha Durrieu. Search for the tapestry designed by Schmidt-
Rottluff, which, however, has already been moved to the Magazin (Repository).
The tapestry is still missing to this day. Possibly it had been taken down as a
result of a written appeal sent to all German curators on 5th November 1936
concerning the "Säuberung der Museumsbestände" ("cleansing of museum stocks") – i.e. the removal of all "entartete Kunst" ("degenerate art") from their rooms.
Then Japanese rooms, where even the Schwertzierat interests me only most mildly. It is another of the blank days.
Exhibition room in the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe
Tapestry designed by Schmidt-Rottluff
Von Schmidt-Rottluff entworfener Wandteppich