Hamburg Painters
Drink & Food
Thursday, 26th November 1936

Karl Ballmer. Alice sauerland.
Eduard Bargheer.

Visit to Karl Ballmer, via uptown railroad to Landwehr, Lübecker Straße 35.
Extensive conversation. Beckett is impressed by Ballmer's paintings.
Afterwards another visit to Alice Sauerlandt. Today he sees 2 portraits of the Sauerlandt daughters by Emil Nolde while hearing daughter Susanne playing the piano in the adjoining room. In the evening visit to Eduard Bargheer's studio in the Alligatorhaus on Jungfernstieg. Having just returned from Italy, the painter "resurrects" his beloved country before Beckett's eyes – its colours, its light: Orvieto, Perugia, Genoa, Florence. Not least Ravenna.
Portraits of the youngest daughters by Emil Nolde
Im Hause Sauerlandt Im Hause Sauerlandt
In the Sauerlandt home; the eldest daughter, Susanne, at the piano, above the piano Nolde's Feriengäste
Postkarte von Beckett an Alice Sauerlandt Postkarte von Beckett an Alice Sauerlandt
Postcard by Beckett to Sauerlandt
Eduard Bargheer
Eduard Bargheer
Bargheers Notizbuch
Bargheer's notebook
Ballmer and cat in Ballmer's studio

Ballmer: He is Swiss, like Klee in der Schweiz aufgewachsen
Transparent figures before landscapes, street ...
Wonderful red Frauenkopf, skull earth sea & sky
A metaphysical concrete...

At the Sauerlandts: Admirable pianistics from daughter in next room, Bach & Beethoven.

Bargheer: ... his painting of enormous competence & earnestness, yet he & his painting say nothing to me.
