Fifth visit to Kunsthalle. German romanticists. Most are rejected, Philipp Otto Runge increases the annoyance.
An article in the newspaper Fremdenblatt: "Musik der Treppe" ("music of the stairs") with a photograph of the stairs leading down to the water at the Schleusenbrücke bridge (Adolf-Hitler-Platz), "near war memorial".
This memorial for the fallen of World War I by Ernst Barlach will continue to
occupy Beckett, alongside his general growing interest in the sculptor and author who had already been deemed "entartet" ("degenerate") by the National
Socialists before 1933. |
Exhibition of German romanticists in the Kunsthalle.
Rungesaal: a whole room of quatsch, parents, wife (...), & the rosyfingers in two versions. Pfui.